3 Men and a Basement
What is the Scene Score?
We ultracrepidarians feel that it's not enough to only consider the rating of a movie but also how familiar people are with it, y'know? We feel that when everybody and their granny has seen a movie it takes away a little bit from it. Your expectations may be set a little too high, maybe you're tired of people talk about this stupid movie and you build resentment, or maybe you haven't seen this movie for a very good reason and you need your expectations tempered a little bit because there's something that you may just not like and you know it. Conversely, if no one has seen a movie and their granny hasn't either, that enhances a movie. You feel like you've discovered a secret in the cinematic universe, you get to experience the sweet bliss of recommending the movie to someone and hear them come back with "duuuude you were so right that movie is boss! How have I not heard of it!?".
Enter the 'Scene Score'. We created a metric that we feel reasonably adjusts a movie's ratings based on the general publics' familiarity with that movie. If no one has seen the movie, the movie gets points added to the rating that we gave it, if everyone has seen it, points get taken away. For example, a movie like 'Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back' may get a rating from us of 9.5 buuuuuut, who's seen that movie? Freaking everyone so maybe it punches more like a 7.0 or a 7.5. Conversely, a movie like 'Citizen X' may get a rating like 7.5 from us but c'mon no one has seen that movie (if you've seen that movie, good for you! you are all alone...) so maybe it punches more like a 9.0. Get it? Got it? Good.
So how do we know how familiar people are with the movie? That's where you come in! Each week(ish) before the podcast we send out a quick 30-second survey to gauge the familiarity of those on our mailing list with the upcoming movie. This gives you a sneak peek into what's coming down the pipe and it gives us an idea of how familiar you are with it! Then during the episode we will let you know how familiar you all were and give the adjusted- 'Scene Score'. To receive these surveys and help make the 'Scene Score' click here to join our mailing list!
Where does the rating come from? That one is all us. After we watch each movie we discuss it and then rate it. The average of those three ratings is the number that then gets adjusted. Still confused? check out the graphic below or email us at 3menandabasement@gmail.com for more info!